English Language (EL) & Gifted Services
English Learner Program Vision
English language acquisition and academic success encompassing high expectations and social development through rigorous coursework, and language support for English Learners.
Gifted Program Vision
Provide gifted students with appropriate and intellectually challenging curriculum and opportunities as part of the general education school day.
The Arizona Department of Education approved four new structured English immersion (SEI) models to support the new language development approach (December 2019). The models main focus is ensuring all teachers share the responsibility to ensure success of the English language learners based on four principles; asset-based behaviors and expectations, integrated instruction in disciplinary language and content, targeted and explicit language instruction, and assessment, monitoring and feedback.
This approach is carried out through four approved SEI model options; pull-out model, two hour model, newcomer model, and 50-50 dual immersion model . At PUSD we are committed to utilizing the Pull Out Model K-12. We believe all individuals at every level within the educational system have an active role in ensuring the success and achievement of the over 150 multilingual learners who attend our schools. EL students receive on grade level standards based education focusing on the Arizona Standards as well as the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards.
- Design the EL instructional program; delivery, method of instruction and curriculum to meet the needs of English learners’ and increase student achievement on AZELLA and other state and district assessments.
- Provide professional development to all teachers who directly interact with EL students in the district on the inclusion of language expectations; and provide targeted and integrated instruction in the mainstream classrooms.
- Include parents of English learners in decision making, as well as increasing their agency and advocacy in their childrens’ education.
In December of 2019, new ELP standards, with greater alignment to grade level English Language Arts standards were introduced. Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, teachers will begin implementing the new ELP standards. The AZELLA will reflect the changes in standards in 2021-22. For more information please visit the OELAS page on ELP Standards.